21 Nov 2019


The 22 years old German rider Felicitas Geiger is one of the most interesting (and pretty) young talents in XC World. Racing with Full Speed Ahead sponsored Team Superior XC, her great goal is to reach the Top 15 place in World Cup. Of course, together with her beloved bike!

To my beloved!

Hey there. I know this seems weird to you because we see each other every day but though I felt like writing a letter to express my feelings for you.
I’ll never forget the day we first met. Never ever have I seen such beauty and I had a crush on you instantly. The way you just stand there, firm and shiny... Also on our first few dates I couldn’t look at you without a smile on my face. When your wheels are rolling over the ground and the crank is turning in its steady way it takes my breath away. But once we got to know each other more closely I discovered evermore. It is not only your appearance which is so attractive. With every ride, every root along the trail and every stone lying in front of us I realized your inner loveliness. 
You guide me through hard rock gardens, you carry me up a steep climb, you stay by my side in the rain and you don’t leave me alone when I’m drained. Even on days I treat you badly, you forgive me and you do not bear me any ill will. Yet sometimes you stay stubborn and throw me off but that’s what I need from time to time as well. You run rings around me and this is how I can develop. You help me progressing!
Each of us on its own reaches nothing but together we can achieve so much. Jointly we are a winner team. We set goals and we succeed. We go full speed ahead.

XXX, Love you lots!
