28 Oct 2016


This article features FSA MTB rider Mike Hopkins, among a few others, in this epic trek through Montana State, USA. Mike rides FSA MTB which you can check out HERE. Below is the first paragraph of the article and I highly suggest you proceed to Freehubmagh.com to read through the remainder. The link to the full article is provided below. Enjoy!

“At first glance, nothing is special about the sign.

The brown paint is faded and chipped by weather and age, and the letters are more bleached wood than the original yellow. Just another United States Forest Servise “point of interest” marker, with directions for the Continental Divide Trail listed below.

I’m a history nerd and love these things, and so read the board’s information aloud to the group: photographer Paris Gore, rider Mike Hopkins, Brandon Watts and Chris Grundberg. We are on Montana’s Lewis and Clark Pass, which Meriwether Lewis used on his return journey from his and William Clark’s famous cross-continent expedition.

It is Paris who noticed the date on the sign: July 7, 1806. It is currently early July, and more out of curiosity than anything else, Mike looks at his watch.

July 7, 2015. Lewis, one of the greatest explorers of all time, returning from one of the greatest expeditions in history, had passed over this spot 209 years before to the day…”

Be sure to read the full article HERE on Freehubmag.com!

This article was written by Sakeus Bankson // Photos provided by Paris Gore