6 May 2016


FSA: Swiss biker Urs Huber was born in 1985 and is now racing in Team BULLS’s colors – Welcome to FSA’s motorhome! You were racing the Marathon this morning, so we hope you had a little bit of time to recover. Also, we thank you for joining us here for few questions:

FSA: First, tell us about the race today…

UH: Today the race was really hard because the track is so difficult with long steep climbs. The other competitors were really strong with the field mixed with Olympic Champions and World Champions. Everybody was here, but I felt really good today so I could dominate the race from the first climb onward. We got away with a group of four riders and then we were just 2 and I knew that when I can go first in the last downhill I can make it. That was my strategy and it worked really well.

FSA: You have an impressive “win record” and just to mention a few: Rocky Mountain Marathon Series, the Crocodile Trophy, Craft Bike TransAlp, Dolomiti Superbike…we would like to know which of the many wins is your favorite?

UH: Definitely was the Cape Epic some weeks ago. It’s one of biggest races in the world, it was my first win there, it was really special and after that I was really motivated for the rest of the season and maybe that is the reason why I’m so strong now!

FSA: One question from the many passionate bikers following you: How do you train?

UH: I train a little bit special because I don’t have big plan so I have no coach. I make it all by myself and for me it’s really important that I have fun in the training. So the key factor for me is I don’t look at wattage or something like that, just I make it what I like to do and it works really well.

FSA: Will the 2016 race calendar see you approach any new adventures?

UH: The next big goals are in June with all the Championships, European, World and Suisse championships, so  I would like to be strong there. After that the Trans Alp, the next stage race, and it’s really important for me and the team so I hope that we can repeat the victories of Cape Epic and Transalp.


FSA: Thanks for your feedback and good luck for the next races!



Photo Credit: © Sportograf –  © Team BULLS – © FSA PH